• All Change

    So having bored everyone for several months about ‘Alpe D’Huez’ I have withdrawn my entry. Bit of a change of heart?

  • Dragons, Ogres and Medical Receptionists

    Dear iPad, Another coffee shop moment. Another reflection on life… After months, years even, of good health I seem to have had several brushes with the medical profession recently. I know I can have a propensity to be a demanding customer. And of course when not feeling well my ‘demanding’ nature may become somewhat accentuated.…

  • Are we nearly there yet?

    Dear iPad, I fear we are!! Blenheim is just the round the corner then we will be hitting Heaver sooner than you can say unprepared triathlete! I know that everyone says they haven’t training enough, to trust the plan, to focus the taper… But it’s at this precise moment that I am wondering about how…

  • Well thatโ€™s buggered then…

    “Well Mr Stivala, I am not sure as your X-RAY is a little inconclusive but I would say you have a fractured scaphoid…” This is soooo not what I wanted to hear ๐Ÿ™ The conversation should have gone “Man up for god sake, you have a bit of a swollen paw and some bruising heading…

  • It never gets easier… You just get faster

    I can’t recall who gave us that quote, else I would naturally credit the original source! The original quote was said in relation to cycling, but of course it is equally applicable to triathlon. Whilst sheltering from the rain last night at my WTri I accidentally fell into a conversation and was reminded of the…

  • MK Half Marathon 6th May 2019

    It transpires that I am incapable of using a race as purely a training event! The plan for today was to run a steady even pace and use it as my long run for the week. This changed a few days before when I noticed that my training plan has started to suggest that I…