It transpires that I am incapable of using a race as purely a training event! The plan for today was to run a steady even pace and use it as my long run for the week. This changed a few days before when I noticed that my training plan has started to suggest that I find my anticipated race pace on the bike and running for my target race.
However it turns out that presented with a lot of other athletes, a start line and the certain knowledge that I am carrying a chip and my performance will be graded… All bets are off and I just want to race as hard as my raging body will allow!
Pre-race, I declared that I wanted to hit a sub 2hr half. This would be inline with my aspiration for this years 70.3 races. Albeit I think optimistic for D’Huez give the preceding ride. I failed to hit this goal and ran 2:01:26. Bugger! Especially as if I hadn’t stopped for a pee at mile 6 I probably would have saved two minutes. Also I egotistically faffed about with some woman on her first Half and tried to help motivate and “carry her” for a while… Great for the male ego. Crap for my time. So the moral of this is that I need to learn to stay focused and keep my mind on the job of moving faster than those around me! I think I have a lot of gains to be found through just this.
Fitness wise, I actually felt great. My HR was comfortable and relatively low. Breathing was good and I could chat at will as I worked past people. Faded a little on a hill at mile 11 but certainly didn’t fall apart or blow up. Legs ached, but even that I think is more to do with a biomechanics problem than fitness. I have awesome legs!! 😉
No blisters or foot problems which was a first and very welcome! The extra wide fitting Brooks and good quality Hilly socks did the job brilliantly.
I do wonder if using neutral shoes rather than supportive is the right call. I have a definite pull / tightness / ache (basically fucking hurts) down the outer right calf. Feels like I spent 2hrs over pronating and have stressed my leg in the process? I think some expert support on footwear and biomechanics is needed. This will get sorted this week… If possible!
I didn’t hit my goal, but I did set myself a new PB. Overall, it was a good day. Lots of friends from Wootton where there, I ran a credible race and I have learned from it.
Chip Time | 2:01:26 |
Overall | 1173 / 2589 |
Male | 898 / 1475 |
MV50 | 134 / 256 |