Pleased to say that from the 13th May I will be resuming one to one Coaching Services for both Runners and for people seeking help with General Fitness. As you can imagine, in order to comply with current Government guidelines, there will be some modifications to the format of services that I can offer. But if you are in need of some motivation to help with your running or fitness, then read on immediately…

How will this work?

The sessions that I will be offering will need to be held out doors and can only be on a one to one basis. During the session we will comply with social distancing and therefore maintain a distance of 2 meters.

What can I offer?

  1. For Runners: I will be offering structured running drills, Agility / Balance / Co-ordination (fundamentally core to improving run technique), specific technique sessions and integrated strength & conditioning for runners. 
  2. For Fitness / strength & conditioning clients: I will be offering Fitness Coaching based around bodyweight drills (no equipment will be used unless it is your own and you bring it along). However, there is an incredible amount you can do with ‘just’ bodyweight and a large area to move about in. Be ready to work hard!

Where will you be working?

Sessions can either be in the Milton Keynes, Olney, Bedford area. Or, if there is a suitable open space near you, I am happy to travel. Different rates apply for sessions that require me to travel, so please let me know your preference at time of enquiring.

Does this mean you are stopping online coaching?

Absolutely not! In fact given everything I have learned over the past six weeks, I foresee Online becoming a much larger part of my coaching practice than In Person. Particularly for Weight Loss Coaching and Performance Running, online has been working really well. For general fitness, I think there are some limitation whilst people are restricted to home exercise, but once gyms reopen (hopefully in late summer) and you are able to take the programme I design for you but do the workouts in a gym, I think Online Fitness will be much more valuable.

Are you sure this is OK?

Prior to making this announcement and offering these services, I chose to wait for official guidance from the The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA) which is the professional body for Personal Trainers. Guidance received (extract):

…we can confirm that, from Wednesday 13th May, outdoor personal training will be allowed on a one-to-one basis, provided that social distancing guidelines are observed.

The use of outdoor gyms will not be permitted and use of equipment should be kept to a minimum and only used if stringent hygiene practices can be assured, meaning the thorough cleaning of all equipment before and after use.

CIMSPA – 11th May 2020

So if your running has been lacking in focus during lockdown, or you perhaps haven’t been fully exerting yourself with Mr Wicks in your living room, you now have a very viable alternative. Stop Dreaming Start Doing! Get out doors and be professionally coached! 

How do I book this?

Whilst we are sill in a state of change, and restrictions could be reinstated at short notice, I am offering coaching on a “per session” basis. Therefore please just get in touch by email or using the contact form below, tell me what your ideal session would help you with and vitally if you need me to travel to you or if you can join me in Olney / Milton Keynes. I will get back to you with a fee within a day.

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