In addition to studying for my L2 Nutrition Certificate, one of my other lockdown projects was to upgrade my “Coach in Run Fitness” to qualifying as an “Event Group Coach” with England Athletic. Having started studying back in April (what I thought might take six weeks) turned out to be A LOT more in-depth… But today I passed 🙂 !!
What is an Event Group Coach?
The highest qualification that England Athletic currently offer, an Event Group Coach is already qualified as either an Athletics Coach or Coach in Run Fitness (CiRF) and has decided to specialise as well as wanting to work with competitive Athletes up to and including Elite.

I decided to specialist in “Endurance” events which in EA terms means pretty much anything from 1,500m upwards in terms of distance. So certainly includes 5k and longer.
The course was particularly interesting though, not only because of the depth of theory covered, but also some broader “Endurance” events in the world of Track & Field. Throws, Jumps and even Race Walking were all part of the syllabus.
What does this let you do?
Obviously everything that you could do before (!!) as a CiRF (Coach in Run Fitness), but my coaching remit has now been extended to any age group (so starting with children right at the start of their journey in Athletics) through all stages and age groups right through to Seniors and Professional Elites.
In addition to Road Running (which is essentially CiRF), I can now coach Track and Field events too. And of course, vitally important, my insurance cover is extended.
Does this mean you are now only coaching competitive Elite Athletes?
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I will still be offering my “Couch to Runner” programme for adults that want to take up running for fun & fitness. My Improver programme for those that want to take it up a gear and of course all of my current 1 : 1 coached clients.
But I will be extending my Coaching to working with new competitive Athletes too. From Club Runners that want to significantly improve their performance through to sponsored and semi-professional Athletes that want to reach Elite status.
To achieve this, I will be supplementing all my trusted local road training with very specific Track sessions in Milton Keynes (… or possibly in Leicestershire, but more about that another day!). Of course at the heart of this will be the integrated annual training plan and that will be managed via TrainingPeaks. I have looked at a lot of different “technology” to support my growing Coaching practice and have settles on TrainingPeaks in combination with PhysioTec (for strength & conditioning training).
The plan is to focus on distance running though. I do not have any plans to coach Athletic Field events – although the Javelin does have some appeal 😉
Are you done with “certificates” now?
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I would love to say yes… but the answer has to be NO!
Always learning and developing my skills and knowledge is important to me. It motivates me. Combining my Personal Trainer (strength & conditioning), with Nutrition and now with my extended remit in Athletics, I do have quite a unique offer, and certainly different to what is typically offered by personal trainers or running coaches.
Combine that with my existing Swimming and Cycling qualifications and I can offer a very varied and well supported fitness programme right through to Performance Coaching for competitive runners.
So enough then? NO!
It doesn’t end here… In December I am spending some more time with British Cycling to finish off something else I have been doing in the background. But more about that when I qualify (fingers crossed!) in December 😉
But for now, I’m off to have some cake, more coffee, and file away all of course notes and books under “DONE” 🙂