Having bought my new toys it only seemed reasonable to learn how to use them (well an estimation anyway!) …

With the help of the Internet, the power of Google and some witch like incantations, I worked out that my Critical Swim Speed might be 2:19 therefore meaning that Mode 2 on my timer would be about 34s. Apparently incorrectly, I decided that mode 1 could be used as my stroke rate metronome. Rather than setting the number of strokes, mode 1 lets me enter the time per stroke. Day one I am using WU and CD pace 1:09. I may change to using the number of strokes per minute… Must conform I suppose!!

Set off to have a crack at proper css set Three Bears (again the Internet came to the rescue…)

100m 32s rec

200m 32s rec

300m 32s rec

Pretty much ok but slow at the end of each 100 but doable! This must be doing some good šŸ‘

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