Macro Nutrient Mix

I’m not sure about you, but I am for ever trying to remember where I last read the right percentages of each macro that should be in my diet. And then beyond that how much do I need of what to fuel for training and racing. So having just read an article on TrainingPeaks blog…

I’m not sure about you, but I am for ever trying to remember where I last read the right percentages of each macro that should be in my diet. And then beyond that how much do I need of what to fuel for training and racing. So having just read an article on TrainingPeaks blog that made reference to this I thought I would note them here for future reference.

Standard disclaimer: I am not a dietitian or health professional. You should use this information at your peril and if you want dietary advice then I would suggest speaking to a professional in that field. I’m just someone that SBR like you 😉

If an athlete does wish to experiment with a new dietary approach or wishes to tweak their diet, I would suggest doing so under the guidance of a Registered Dietician, preferably a sports dietician, as these professionals are most qualified to help guide an athlete’s dietary choices.

For those interested in the current sports nutrition recommendations for daily carbohydrate, fat, and protein intake, as well as carbohydrate intake during exercise, see Table 1 and Table 2 below.

Table 1 describes the current recommendations for each of the macronutrients for both general health and well-being, as well as fitness and general sports performance.9

Table 2 describes the currently-accepted sports nutrition recommendations for athletes.1


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