What can I say!! For the past 13 consecutive days you have never failed to come good, so what happened on the last day? Some of you have been in touch to tell me about broken hooves, sore udders and other running related injuries… Did that stop you? Some have even said that they have cracked hills now and in 14 days have improved their running… But did any of that translate to the final results? Did you all give up too soon or something?


The last day was just spectacular and thank you all for making it so!

25 fatigued goats, some bleating more than others, got their cheese together and did all again. It was more like a race than some real races turn out to be… And the final day saw some very impressive runs (again). Hannah, Simon Allen, Sarah, Linda, Sally, Rob, Viv and Hayley all managing over 100m today – just fantastic! 

But there can only be one winner and I am delighted to announce:

Corona Mountain Goat Champion

Hannah Bawdon


I think Hannah mentioned earlier in the week that she doesn’t often win sporty type activities…Well she smashed this one! She picks up her £20 Amazon Gift Voucher with my compliments as well as a huge ‘virtual’ round of applause from all of us. This Lady is just inspiring; not only is she very much on the ‘frontline’ at the moment, but she has managed to make the time, and find the motivation, to run consistently throughout the Challenge. A very worthy winner!  

It was incredibly tight though, and much respect also to Simon who put in some awesome runs and finished just 131m behind Hannah. What I took away from Simon’s running is that Anything Is Possible (as Ironman would say) if you want to do it enough. Despite living somewhere relatively flat, and not being able to travel to any meaningful hills, he managed to think creatively and overcame the problem.

So many of you have spoken about “going out when you didn’t fancy it”, or “not feeling it” and then getting it done anyway (and sometimes surprising yourself). So I applaud each of you!  You stuck with it, you found your motivation and you proved to YOURSELF what you can do… Tick.

In addition to the running there have been some great characters emerge and some moments that made me chuckle.  Just three that stick in my mind; Trevors photos which were just amazing. Peace and solidarity which has returned to  the running partnership between Kerry and Heidi. Stella’s daughter now being able to breath a sigh of relief that Mummy won’t be making her go off road, up hill, on her single speed bicycle again!

The End of our Challenge?

No way!!

It feels like we have a bit of a community now. And we may or may not be in lockdown for longer than we first thought… And therefore not able to get back to our normal running habits just yet. So here is my plan…

IF the Government announce an extension to the Lockdown period (and assuming that we are all still able to exercise outdoors as at present), then I will announce the next Challenge in the Corona Series the day after the lockdown is extended 🙂

I will happily sponsor some more vouchers so you get to compete for something. Else, lets face it, it wouldn’t be a competition now would it 😉

The next Challenge will have nothing to do with hills and it will promote a completely different technical running skill. Because of what I have in mind it will last only seven days (honestly you won’t want it to be fourteen days!!)…

But same as this time, you don’t know what it is before you commit, and I need 50 athletes to make it worthwhile. So the only question now ARE YOU IN?? If that’s a yes then keep an eye on the Facebook page, or even better join the Facebook Grourp : Ed Stivala Fitness Coaching. Or subscribe to this blog with your email address in the little subscribe box! That you will get to hear about in time.

And that, as they say, is a wrap…

Keep safe and keep in touch – Cheerio Ed 🙂 

BIB  Athlete 03-Apr Total Pos  Gender SHE
47 Hannah Bawdon 636 3892 1 1 259
1 Simon Cook 532 3761 2 1 251
56 Allen Bennett 482 2850 3 2 190
58 Linda Wilkie 191 2020 4 2 135
26 Sally Durant 187 1364 5 3 91
15 Rob White  147 1320 6 3 88
2 Michelle Ramsden 0 1026 7 4 68
3 Cat Riona 0 888 8 5 59
107 Sarah Price 196 882 9 6 59
6 Heidi Brown 77 815 10 7 54
12 Lisa Dalton 0 799 11 8 53
23 Viv Black 110 746 12 9 50
13 Stella Barker 47 716 13 10 48
7 Kerry Guthrie 0 676 14 11 45
46 Emily Calista Walker 52 648 15 12 43
78 Amanda Waring 77 645 16 13 43
38 Trevor Piper 0 613 17 4 41
35 Kathryn Milne 88 609 18 14 41
43 Liz Conibere 51 569 19 15 38
103 Hayley Roberts 103 545 20 16 36
8 Josie Pickering 0 487 21 17 32
67 Tracy Walker 22 482 22 18 32
70 Beth Morris 0 452 23 19 30
9 Steve Pryor-Jones 0 451 24 5 30
80 Ruth Gautama-Marvell 41 444 25 20 30
104 Leila Goss 0 433 26 21 29
40 Santa Upite 0 425 27 22 28
65 Corinne Gibbs 79 406 28 23 27
97 Stuart Weaver 0 405 29 6 27
49 Caroline Batty  0 402 30 24 27
28 Charli May 0 388 31 25 26
83 Ian Mercer 0 367 32 7 24
18 Chris Lowery 0 345 33 8 23
19 Neil Williams 31 327 34 9 22
17 Nic Williams 19 327 35 10 22
63 Katie Godof 0 300 36 26 20
61 Nigel Ryalis 0 298 37 11 20
105 Brendan Coles 47 261 38 12 17
27 Steve Williams 0 246 39 13 16
102 Morag Finch 0 233 40 27 16
44 Helen Tailyour 0 221 42 28 15
81 M-Louise Dis 0 180 43 29 12
112 Sarah Hawkins 0 172 44 30 11
5 Andrew Hingston 0 161 45 14 11
11 Sarah Pennell 15 155 46 31 10
22 Abby Bambury 25 152 47 32 10
48 Nicola Draycott 19 116 48 33 8
94 James Ryan Mitchell 9 107 49 15 7
85 Simon Bailey 0 94 50 16 6
4 Kirsty Hingston 0 73 51 34 5
111 Katherine Fisher 0 59 52 35 4
30 Mary Anne Mackenzie 0 53 53 36 4
74 Emma Lorains 0 12 54 37 1

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