The last 48 hours of the Chall… You might have thought that by now it would all be done bar the shouting. There would be a lack of interest. The Challenge would have died… And lets face it, now you can’t move for blooming Corona Challenges… Yesterday, I regaled you with my statistical insights and numerical wizardry. Well that was a waste of time. I should have known that the only predictable thing here is the strictly unpredictable!! What have they done this time? 

23 solo goats ventured out into their respective wildernesses today and there were some good runs for certain.

Rob stuck with it and did another 10k (trail) to continue his streak. Michelle was out again and Charli made another appearance in the challenge. Abby got some new trainers and then ran by the river… Where it’s *particularly* flat!! 😉 But to be fair she has been riding her bicycle a lot too…

In fact Michelle has had a very busy day. Her and Heidi both did it with Joe first thing… But as that’s not running related I shall not comment further.

So what has happened with the Challenge?

Linda “nothing to see here” Wilkie had a bit of a tech nightmare – so she is (a) not happy (b) of a mind to run the same damn thing again tomorrow! Will she regain her position at number three… That’s no certainty now because Allen went for a run too.

As we know Allen basically lives somewhere hilly. Today’s outing won him another 519m of ascent… Which on a normal day would have put the cat amongst the pigeons. Great run Allen!! Unfortunately for Allen though Hannah continued with her streak and she went for a run too…

Now Hannah has run EVERY DAY since the start and they have, all bar one, been very lumpy. Yesterday she put in a very impressive 361m. I thought she might have been done, but shows how little I know about this athlete. Another 281m today hitting 2779m now in the challenge in total. Awesome work Hannah! On a normal day you would imagine that would secure her the lead. Unfortunately for Hannah Simon went out for a wander too.

Yesterday I mentioned Simon’s numeric chanting, something about 66.666… Sort of a decimal version of the Number of the Beast. Well apparently it was and today he unleashed it! He went back to his favourite hill which is 15m high by a 100m long so not the longest. And then he ran it repeatedly…

Two hours he ran up and down that bloody hill! 10miles he covered in basically 100m efforts.

He ran up it 66.666 times. And in the process clocked up a 1011m of ascent. Indeed the number of the beast!

You would think that would be enough to secure the win? I’m not so sure…

Simon, now in first position again, leads Hannah by 367m and Allen by 1366m.

Lets make the rash assumption that he is actually knackered now and doesn’t run again. I know crazy but lets just fantasise for a moment. And let’s assume Hannah can keep it together for two more days… And did the same run as today each time. Well then she would win…

But you can’t discount Allen in all of this. He knows his hills. Let’s say that he takes Umbrage at todays proceedings and wanted to ‘speak’ again… He *might* go and do something crazy tomorrow, like match Simon’s run of today… It’s not impossible ( well obviously it would be for me!). That would then mean he would need to recreate something like his run on the 28th March again this coming Friday. Well then he would win…

You see my dilemma here? Honestly I have no idea what these crazy goats are going to do next… But it will be fun watching and speculating as they psych each other out 😉

For now here is the leader board.

BIB Athlete01-Apr1314Total
1Simon Cook10113146
47Hannah Bawdon2812779
56Allen Bennett5191780
58Linda Wilkie321725
15Rob White 1061057
26Sally Durant01022
2Michelle Ramsden104961
3Cat Riona0835
12Lisa Dalton13772
23Viv Black46636
6Heidi Brown0622
13Stella Barker61615
38Trevor Piper0613
7Kerry Guthrie0572
78Amanda Waring69568
46Emily Calista Walker60558
107Sarah Price0487
67Tracy Walker0460
70Beth Morris0452
43Liz Conibere0451
103Hayley Roberts0442
104Leila Goss0433
35Kathryn Milne0430
40Santa Upite0425
97Stuart Weaver102405
80Ruby Gautama-Marvell16403
49Caroline Batty 0402
8Josie Pickering0391
83Ian Mercer26367
9Steve Pryor-Jones0365
18Chris Lowery0345
28Charli May41331
65Corinne Gibbs45327
63Katie Godof0300
61Nigel Ryalis0298
17Nic Williams36281
19Neil Williams22277
102Morag Finch64233
44Helen Tailyour0221
105Brendan Coles43187
81M-Louise Dis0180
5Andrew Hingston0161
27Steve Williams0157
112Sarah Hawkins0143
11Sarah Pennell8140
22Abby Bambury15127
94James Ryan Mitchell1698
48Nicola Draycott097
85Simon Bailey094
4Kirsty Hingston073
111Katherine Fisher053
30Mary Anne Mackenzie053
74Emma Lorains08

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