Day 7. The half way point and it’s getting tougher and more competitive out there! The first mini challenge has been won, with Marsha securing herself a £5 Amazon Voucher for her troubles, but the rumour is that the next mini challenge is going to be announced Saturday. So remember; you have to be in it to win it! Another £5 voucher up for grabs… 

But what about the here and now! What action did we see on day 7? Were there some more crazy attacks? Are the goats jostling for position ready for the home straight? Or did they just put their hooves up and think of cheese…?

A very different feel to the race today; 28 goats got out there but all the main places were dominated by the ladies. Come on chaps!! You can’t stop now you are only half way there for goodness sake! But an impressive showing by the ladies… 

Firstly (and as predicted) Hannah responded in her ‘normal’ metronomic way; another 229m, another day without a rest and once again grabs the Fluffy Vest! I wouldn’t normally question this, but Woman / Man? No… She is just a MACHINE !!  😉

Hot on her heels though is Michelle who put in another good run on her usual route, and making the most of the sunshine before the weekend turns on her. And a cunning strategy from Sally, who if you look at Strava is commuting to work on foot with a run… But she seems to work at the top of a hill, which is a tad unfortunate! Great for scoring points on the way in… But the homeward commute  not so hot! But those 6m are yours 😉

A minor spat broke out in the leafy suburbs of Northants this evening, when good running buddies Kerry and Heidi went in different directions, both on a mission to find a hill and really kick it for a Friday evening. And beat each other. It was close, but Kerry just came out on top. You see running up down your patio does work ( I don’t recall reading about that in the Daniels Run Coach Bible…).

Whilst on the subject of people going to work; in getting to know some of you through this Challenge (which has been fantastic by the way!), a number of you turn out to be very much appreciated Key Workers (in a variety of different roles). So not only are you currently under I imagine huge stress professionally, you are also still finding the energy to run and take part here. Thank you for everything you are doing for us!   

So where are we in the overall competition? 

By a small miracle Simon is holding on to the lead by 13m… He had a recovery family day to day and  proper rest day tomorrow so is going to need to be “on it ” next week! Hannah is lying in second place… So I think we can all see what’s going to happen there <yawn>… 😉

BUT NO!! Dark Goat Linda has subtly moved up and is now only 300m behind Hannah. That would be a big day for her, but again a VERY consistent runner who has only had one rest day so far. Each day has been over 150m for her… So could there be a hilly long run in her legs this weekend?? 

I don’t think either Simon or Hannah can take afford to take their eye off the ball yet.

Quite a few of you now getting past the 500m mark (fab HILL RUNNING from some people who were telling me a week ago they don’t “do” hills). There is likely to be some new names in the top group in the final week. Stella is always good for a long run on a Sunday and is in with a shout. Michelle, likes her alternate days and she is now up there… 

Lets not forget the chaps though; Rob has been on the flat recently, but might be up for a mountain training run at the weekend and is still in touch with the leaders. And then Trevor… he has put his inner mountain goat on a leash the last few days, but even if he chooses to not go hilly, I’m pretty certain he will take some more amazing photos of the beautiful areas he runs in!

The weekend awaits. Keep your eyes on the Facebook page for details of the mini challenge. But now the leader board:

BIB Athlete27-Mar891011121314Total
1Simon Cook341350
47Hannah Bawdon2291337
58Linda Wilkie1331009
15Rob White 25772
2Michelle Ramsden203717
3Cat Riona18694
38Trevor Piper0613
12Lisa Dalton160512
13Stella Barker73449
104Leila Goss0433
26Sally Durant91397
70Beth Morris82392
6Heidi Brown91368
56Allen Bennett0350
23Viv Black0335
107Sarah Price0320
80Ruby Gautama-Marvell43314
7Kerry Guthrie104308
78Amanda Waring0295
28Charli May47290
40Santa Upite68279
61Nigel Ryalis0266
103Hayley Roberts0263
67Tracy Walker0262
35Kathryn Milne78257
43Liz Conibere53247
8Josie Pickering0244
46Emily Calista Walker44243
83Ian Mercer0243
44Helen Tailyour0221
97Stuart Weaver22203
9Steve Pryor-Jones0193
18Chris Lowery27186
81M-Louise Dis0180
65Corinne Gibbs44177
17Nic Williams21172
102Morag Finch67169
19Neil Williams21164
63Katie Godof0141
112Sarah Hawkins0117
22Abby Bambury0106
11Sarah Pennell0105
5Andrew Hingston3896
27Steve Williams086
48Nicola Draycott4979
94James Ryan Mitchell074
4Kirsty Hingston5573
49Caroline Batty 071
30Mary Anne Mackenzie053
105Brendan Coles5050
111Katherine Fisher041
74Emma Lorains04

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