Surely they can’t keep it up all week?!?!? Well the sun shone and the fight for the overall title of Corona Mountain Goat Champion became real… Far from fading out, day 5 saw new names and some more big hills. Could this be the last day of sunshine for the week though? Are they just a load of fair weather goats that don’t want to get their hooves wet? Time will tell, but for now lets unravel today… 😉 

25 runners got out there, many of our ‘favourites’ but also some new names. Amongst them Hannah went out for a trot again! I suspect a little miffed still with Simon’s premature surge yesterday, and to the soundtrack of war “cross over the road, my friend” (how very apt on so many levels!) asserted her authority clocking up another 262m of ascent and maintaining her “rest day’s are wimps” policy 😉 So she now takes the Fluffy Vest into day six…

Linda, trying to keep a low profile but well positioned to draft, also put in a big 176m. And Rob was back in the mix today with 161m. Could be one to watch as he does tend to run mountain Ultras for ‘fun’.

Really nice to see some new names today too. Corrine broke into the competition with a very tidy 133m. Also Nigel (from WRR I think?) kicked his campaign off with a first run of 81m.

Before we look at the shockwaves that today has caused in the overall leaderboard, there has been a lot of ‘bleating’ from a several goats that live apparently in flat places. <<rolling eye emoji>> Amongst those concerned about the topography of their ‘home turf’ was Abby, who decided to go off on her bicycle today instead to think about how exactly she might win this despite Bedford being flat as!

Talking of bicycles Trevor went for a bicycle ride too. (I know it’s a quiet news day!!)

It’s all kicking off at the front of the field, and we have a new leader : Hannah Bawdon. But, it’s far from over yet as she continues to be in a locked horn tussle (do goats tussle???) with Simon now in second place. But with only 46m separating them it could go either way tomorrow. And Simon isn’t going to take this sitting down.

This is far from a two goat race though… Rob (another Olney Runner) as grabbed back third place with a very consistent alternate day strategy. And we absolutely can’t forget Linda (699m), who is trying hard to stay under the radar and not be seen to do anything aggressive YET!

Lots of people now in the 100’s of meters, despite living in some of the flattest parts of the world (ALLEGEDLY)! Others, not mentioning any names (Leila!) certainly don’t live anywhere flat… Check out her 279m from yesterday (late result due to a small tech issue!). 

This is all starting to hot up and getting quite tense as we begin heading in to the second weekend… Will Trevor decide to launch another attack? And what of Stella or Lisa, they could turn out to be dark goats? And only a fool would forget about Sarah or indeed Viv (once she gets her OS map out and finds a hill!). No… If this gets any more tense I won’t be able to sleep 😉 

Here is the leaderboard:

BIB Athlete25-Mar67891011121314Total
47Hannah Bawdon262954
1Simon Cook80908
15Rob White 161722
58Linda Wilkie176699
3Cat Riona36 659
38Trevor Piper613
13Stella Barker48376
12Lisa Dalton352
107Sarah Price285
104Leila Goss279
70Beth Morris274
23Viv Black270
103Hayley Roberts71263
2Michelle Ramsden259
78Amanda Waring67248
28Charli May243
80Ruby Gautama-Marvell38222
26Sally Durant84221
6Heidi Brown220
7Kerry Guthrie60204
46Emily Calista Walker45199
8Josie Pickering41190
81M-Louise Dis180
83Ian Mercer171
43Liz Conibere61168
97Stuart Weaver161
63Katie Godof141
9Steve Pryor-Jones38139
40Santa Upite136
65Corinne Gibbs133 133
17Nic Williams25123
35Kathryn Milne54120
19Neil Williams56113
18Chris Lowery104
102Morag Finch102
112Sarah Hawkins890
22Abby Bambury90
27Steve Williams3585
56Allen Bennett84
61Nigel Ryalis8181
94James Ryan Mitchell74
49Caroline Batty 5871
30Mary Anne Mackenzie53
44Helen Tailyour46
48Nicola Draycott30
111Katherine Fisher128
11Sarah Pennell26
67Tracy Walker26
5Andrew Hingston24
4Kirsty Hingston1818
93Alice Robinson 0
92Angela Norton0
105Brendan Coles0
24Carol-Anne Kenmuir0
109Catherine Alexander0
95Caz Fry0
79Christine Underhill0
106Clair Higham0
87Claire Alden0
31Clare Wiley0
54Dale Robertson0
32David Telford0
62David Thatcher0
91Dean Waring0
64Debbie Colby0
20Debbie Jen Mor0
100Debbie Peachey0
74Emma Lorains0
10Fiona Hunter Wynde0
90Geeta Seegobin 0
51Gemma Emile0
55Gill Situnayake0
82Heather Harper0
52Heather Speed0
108Heidi Underwood0
14Hilary Parker0
29Jade Teresa0
45Jake Partridge 0
71Jane Carr0
33Jessica Addenbrooke0
53Jill Cooper0
72Joanna Huggins0
89Josephine L Pearson0
68Jude Snellgrove0
57Julie Black 0
96Kelly Jarvis0
110Kirsty Rowe0
60Linda Johnson0
69Louise May0
86Lynette Amy Engel0
73Maria Fox0
34Mark Rose-Nicholas0
42Martin Pegler0
59Nathalie Janvier0
88Neil Wakelam0
101Nicola Anne Watkinson0
39Paul Collier0
76Paula Cowley0
77Rachael Baker0
99Rowena Belding0
37Sam Ingram0
84Samantha Chesters0
16Sharon Kukielka0
98Sheila Vickers0
21Shelley Hemsley0
85Simon Bailey0
36Simon Spinks Lindley0
41Stacey Read0
25Steve Teale0
50Valerie McCutcheon0
66Wendy Cornah0
75Zuza Maria0

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