A new psychological dimension today, the first day of ‘lockdown lite’ across the UK. Would our Goats be sure footed enough to take it in their strides? Certainly the weather continued to be in their favour… And what of the mini-challenge? With all this pressure mounting up on them, would they disappoint?

Not in the slightest! Another great day with some interesting happenings… Twenty eight of you put in qualifying runs today (if I have stupidly missed any then I apologies in advance and I’m sure you will put me straight). And also some early entries in the Show Us Your Hill mini-challenge.

From the top then… It was definitely Trevor’s day today! After a well earned rest day yesterday he put in a strong 193m on trails to swipe back the Furry Vest… You would think 193m would truly set him apart, but in this crazy new world order he only just pipped Linda and Simon for the top spot of the day (184m and 163m respectively), who also had some proper hilly runs. Trevor posted some hill pics (go check those out) and set the bar in the picture competition with a shot that even included his bib number! Other entries from Simon and Stella are strong contenders too, we will see… Still have all of tomorrow in the mini challenge so that could change everything.

Other developments today included another new name entering the ring, this time Abby Bambury, who took time out from riding her bike to get involved with some hill reps. 90m of them. Joining the competition on day four, has she left herself too much to do? I think one to watch as we move through the week.

I actually went for a run myself today… But anyway moving swiftly on 🙂

What has today done to the overall competition?

Simon is making an early break from the lead pack and is now out in front with a pretty impressive 828m so far. But Hannah is having none of it!! She has run big ascents every day so far and is chasing Simon down. Will she have the stamina to close the gap?

Despite a second run free day Cat holds on to third… Anyone would think she was busy at work 😉 And then neatly tucked into fourth is Trevor, who has already shown his ability to kick out big hills… He claims he might not be able to get to them much now but is he just trying to psych his opposition?

But more important than all of that is just how many people are getting out and running. Personally I believe that over the next few weeks finding ways to keep focused, motivated and sane are going to become increasingly important to us.

Wherever you are in the table – the important thing is you are IN! Get involved take some snaps and share YOUR stories. There is a whole bunch of like minded people here that want to get to know YOU and your running.

BIB Athlete24-Mar567891011121314Total
1Simon Cook163828
47Hannah Bawdon94692
3Cat Riona623
38Trevor Piper193613
15Rob White 561
58Linda Wilkie184523
12Lisa Dalton62352
13Stella Barker48328
107Sarah Price87285
70Beth Morris42274
23Viv Black81270
2Michelle Ramsden259
28Charli May83243
6Heidi Brown57220
103Hayley Roberts192
80Ruby Gautama-Marvell10184
78Amanda Waring45181
81M-Louise Dis46180
83Ian Mercer86171
97Stuart Weaver44161
46Emily Calista Walker56154
8Josie Pickering42149
7Kerry Guthrie41144
63Katie Godof141
26Sally Durant137
40Santa Upite136
43Liz Conibere16107
18Chris Lowery104
102Morag Finch65102
9Steve Pryor-Jones36101
17Nic Williams4798
22Abby Bambury9090
56Allen Bennett84
112Sarah Hawkins82
94James Ryan Mitchell74
35Kathryn Milne066
19Neil Williams3357
30Mary Anne Mackenzie53
27Steve Williams50
44Helen Tailyour46
48Nicola Draycott730
111Katherine Fisher027
11Sarah Pennell1126
67Tracy Walker26
5Andrew Hingston24
104Leila Goss1616
49Caroline Batty 13

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