Start of what would normally be the ‘working week’, but we find ourselves in anything but normal times… A day where the Prime Minister himself has lent recognition and support to the importance of the Corona Mountain Goat Challenge by explicitly stating that getting out each day to complete a run was on a par with food shopping and essential work journeys 😉 So our intrepid athletes now have their mandate… What will they do with it? What competition strategies are emerging? Or basically were they all knackered after the weekend…

Far from all being on a rest day 19 athletes made the most of the sunshine and put in qualifing runs. But the awesome surprise of the day has been all the new names – just showing that anyone could still win the BIG prize 🙂

The Fluffy Vest honour today went to Hannah Bawdon (club unknown!!) who has been running VERY consistently since the start and put in an impressive 205m. Great running Hannah! But in second place by only 2m (!!!) was Olney Runner Michelle Ramsden logging an awesome 203m ascent. The rest of the field where all close by… Ultra Runner Stella came in third today with a very credible 118m and a progression every day.

So how has day 3 effected the challenge overall?

In the lead group we have Simon in first place at present from Cat who is still very much in touch. Both took rest days today, so tomorrow might be a big day for these two? Great to see a new name getting into the leading pack in the form of Hannah, yet to take her rest day and has been VERY consistent so far, one to watch I think… Good to see Rob (OR) back in the mix today holding onto a very solid fourth place… And after a playing in the Fells yesterday Trevor got himself a cup of tea and well deserved rest!

But the rest of the field is still drafting the lead group – proving that they might be in front for now… but they are only one dodgy curry away from losing everything 🙂 Linda heading up the main group but solid and consistent runs from Lisa Dalton and Stella Barker. And of course after her big day today its fab to see Michelle Ramsden right there too.

Don’t forget the mini-challenge for the £5 Amazon Voucher! Details are on Facebook and the closing deadline for that is Wednesday. If you fancy the chance to win some free money, then plan your runs for the next couple of days with a view to an awesome picture! With only 45 people active just now you stand at least a 1 in 45 chance, which is a bit better than a lottery ticket 😉

All still to compete for. Run safe & solo everyone on Day 4. Now go find some hills!!! 🙂

BIB  Athlete 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Total
1 Simon Cook 504 161                         665
3 Cat Riona 585 38                         623
47 Hannah Bawdon 126 267 205                       598
15 Rob White  460 101                       561
38 Trevor Piper 90 330                         420
58 Linda Wilkie 168 171                         339
12 Lisa Dalton 134 96 60                       290
13 Stella Barker 45 117 118                       280
2 Michelle Ramsden 56 203                       259
70 Beth Morris 48 184                         232
107 Sarah Price 92 106                       198
103 Hayley Roberts 81 111                       192
23 Viv Black 36 153                         189
80 Ruby Gautama-Marvell 69 105                         174
6 Heidi Brown 116 47                       163
28 Charli May 97 45 18                       160
63 Katie Godof 141                         141
26 Sally Durant 137                         137
78 Amanda Waring 70 66                         136
40 Santa Upite 90 46                         136
97 Stuart Weaver 78 20 19                       117
8 Josie Pickering 70 37                         107
7 Kerry Guthrie 17 86                         103
46 Emily Calista Walker 20 78                       98
43 Liz Conibere 41 50                       91
83 Ian Mercer 84 1                       85
56 Allen Bennett 84                         84
112 Sarah Hawkins 30 52                       82
94 James Ryan Mitchell 74                         74
81 M-Louise Dis 74                         74
18 Chris Lowery 72                         72
35 Kathryn Milne 66                         66
9 Steve Pryor-Jones 65                         65
30 Mary Anne Mackenzie 53                         53
17 Nic Williams 19 29 3                       51
27 Steve Williams 50                         50
44 Helen Tailyour 46                       46
102 Morag Finch 37                         37
111 Katherine Fisher 13 14                         27
67 Tracy Walker 8 18                       26
19 Neil Williams 24                       24
5 Andrew Hingston 24                         24
48 Nicola Draycott 23                         23
11 Sarah Pennell 15                         15
49 Caroline Batty  13                       13
22 Abby Bambury                         0
93 Alice Robinson                          0
92 Angela Norton                         0
105 Brendan Coles                         0
24 Carol-Anne Kenmuir                         0
109 Catherine Alexander                         0
95 Caz Fry                         0
79 Christine Underhill                         0
106 Clair Higham                         0
87 Claire Alden                         0
31 Clare Wiley                         0
65 Corinne Gibbs                         0
54 Dale Robertson                         0
32 David Telford                         0
62 David Thatcher                         0
91 Dean Waring                         0
64 Debbie Colby                         0
20 Debbie Jen Mor                         0
100 Debbie Peachey                         0
74 Emma Lorains                         0
10 Fiona Hunter Wynde                         0
90 Geeta Seegobin                         0
51 Gemma Emile                         0
55 Gill Situnayake                         0
82 Heather Harper                         0
52 Heather Speed                         0
108 Heidi Underwood                         0
14 Hilary Parker                         0
29 Jade Teresa                         0
45 Jake Partridge                          0
71 Jane Carr                         0
33 Jessica Addenbrooke                         0
53 Jill Cooper                         0
72 Joanna Huggins                         0
89 Josephine L Pearson                         0
68 Jude Snellgrove                         0
57 Julie Black                          0
96 Kelly Jarvis                         0
4 Kirsty Hingston                         0
110 Kirsty Rowe                         0
104 Leila Goss                         0
60 Linda Johnson                         0
69 Louise May                         0
86 Lynette Amy Engel                         0
73 Maria Fox                         0
34 Mark Rose-Nicholas                         0
42 Martin Pegler                         0
59 Nathalie Janvier                         0
88 Neil Wakelam                         0
101 Nicola Anne Watkinson                         0
61 Nigel Ryalis                         0
39 Paul Collier                         0
76 Paula Cowley                         0
77 Rachael Baker                         0
99 Rowena Belding                         0
37 Sam Ingram                         0
84 Samantha Chesters                         0
16 Sharon Kukielka                         0
98 Sheila Vickers                         0
21 Shelley Hemsley                         0
85 Simon Bailey                         0
36 Simon Spinks Lindley                         0
41 Stacey Read                         0
25 Steve Teale                         0
50 Valerie McCutcheon                         0
66 Wendy Cornah                         0
75 Zuza Maria                         0

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