As the sun rose on the first Sunday of the challenge I was almost giddy with expectation and excitement (… or maybe that was due to a lack of breakfast?). The traditional long run day; would our intrepid Mountain Goat Athletes go long and still manage to find hills? Would the early leaders fade away… Or maybe some new contenders would emerge? By the time I got home from my own run, it was already shaping up into one heck of a day in the Strava Club 🙂 

The first Sunday was another awesome day weather wise, but also some awesome runs logged!

Today 22 athletes logged runs (that I have so far seen – apologies if I have missed any but they will get added as soon as I am aware of them). A Top Goat like run from Trevor logging 330m of ascent (check that one out on the Club Strava page!) and meaning that he takes the Fluffy Vest from Cat for day three. A further nine athletes logged over 100m and some new names in the mix now; Beth making a move for the lead pack with 184m today and Simon getting out there in vest and shorts for a recovery run with 161m. I saw this personally, and some things you just can never un-see 😉 Just joking!! awesome running again Simon! 

A few other shout-outs today: Viv has spotted that she is actually in a ‘race’ and started warming up, initially by getting  a new hair do… And then running a half today in 1:48 great running Viv! Kerry decided that she had had enough of her garden and decided to trot around some lakes (!!) 32.3k run in 3:54 – way to go Kerry!! And launching an attack today also was Sally who decided to follow Cat’s idea from yesterday and hill repped 137m… She tells me that I may no longer be on her Xmas card list!!! Sacrifices I make for sport 😉

So what does the Leader Board look like after the first weekend of competition?

The group has reformed! Simon (Olney Runners) continues to lead the challenge but Cat (Team Changing Paces) is still very much in touch with him after her recovery day (FFS!!). And a mammoth day Fell Running puts Trevor (club?) right in the mix now… Good to see some new names jostling for position with Hannah tucked in behind Trevor with some consistent runs, can she keep the early mornings going? And more consistent running from Linda too…

Beth (club not known) has pushed up the field today and is looking like she might have a race plan to take the win?

Ultra runner Stella (Wootton RR) has started her campaign too… showing that not only can she go stupidly long, but she can go uphill when she has to. But trying to build it up without drawing too much attention too soon. Smart racing 😉

So many great efforts today and personally I loved people contacting me to tell me about their runs – too much to write here!! I do hope you are all enjoying this crazy little game and lets carry on running safe (individually) for as long as we can. 

BIG NEWS: Tomorrow I will launch the first mini- challenge. I will post it on the Facebook page and it will run for just three days ending sunset Wednesday with the winner being announced on Thursday. And the winner will be getting a £5 voucher for their effort – not life changing I know, but let’s be honest it’s a step nearer to being a Pro runner right 😉

Here are the results after day 2 

BIB  Athlete 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Total
1 Simon Cook 504 161                         665
3 Cat Riona 585 38                         623
15 Rob White  460                           460
38 Trevor Piper 90 330                         420
47 Hannah Bawdon 126 267                         393
58 Linda Wilkie 168 171                         339
70 Beth Morris 48 184                         232
23 Viv Black 36 153                         189
80 Ruby Gautama-Marvell 69 105                         174
13 Stella Barker 45 117                         162
63 Katie Godof 141                         141
26 Sally Durant 137                         137
78 Amanda Waring 70 66                         136
6 Heidi Brown 116                         116
8 Josie Pickering 70 37                         107
7 Kerry Guthrie 17 86                         103
28 Charli May 97                           97
107 Sarah Price 92                           92
40 Santa Upite 90                           90
56 Allen Bennett 84                         84
83 Ian Mercer 84                           84
103 Hayley Roberts 81                           81
97 Stuart Weaver 78                           78
81 M-Louise Dis 74                         74
94 James Ryan Mitchell 74                           74
18 Chris Lowery 72                           72
9 Steve Pryor-Jones 65                           65
2 Michelle Ramsden 56                         56
30 Mary Anne Mackenzie 53                           53
27 Steve Williams 50                           50
17 Nic Williams 19 23                         42
43 Liz Conibere 41                         41
112 Sarah Hawkins 30                           30
111 Katherine Fisher 13 14                         27
5 Andrew Hingston 24                           24
46 Emily Calista Walker 20                           20
11 Sarah Pennell 15                         15
67 Tracy Walker 8                         8

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