

You are agreeing to contract Ed Stivala Limited for the purposes of an exercise program to improve your fitness. You agree to pay for the services at the agreed rate; either monthly or per session (for individual one to one or small group fitness sessions). 

You agree that you have read, understood and completed the PAR-Q. All questions have been answered to the best of your knowledge.

Informed Consent

The purpose of an exercise programme is to help you to achieve health and fitness goals. Your programme will be based upon your present activity / exercise levels and the goals that you wish to achieve. You will experience some feelings of exertion during each activity session and will become hot and uncomfortable at times. Your breathing and heart rate will increase as a result of these activities as would be expected from physical exercise of this type. As your fitness improves, you will participate in more vigorous levels of activity, if this is part of your goal. Activities will be appropriately explained and demonstrated to you but please feel free to ask questions about anything you are unclear about.

Any exercise programme carries with it an element of risk. Your sessions are designed to minimize the risks whilst providing an effective exercise/activity programme. You are exercising at your own risk, and will not hold Ed Stivala Limited liable for injuries sustained as a consequence of your fitness programme. Inform your Coach if, for any reason (such as illness or injury which might be aggravated by exercise), you should not participate in an activity. Or if your health status has changed since completing your last PAR-Q form.

During training sessions with your Coach present you will be closely supervised. During training sessions where your Coach is not present you will be responsible for your own safety. If, at any time, you feel undue pain or excessive discomfort stop the activity and inform your Coach (if present) or medical professional of your symptoms.


You are free to withdraw from any activity at any time you wish.

Participation in the programme described to you by your Coach is entirely at your choice. The nature, purpose, risks and benefits will be explained to you so that you understand what is required. If you are not sure of any aspect of your programme you are encouraged to ask questions before attempting an activity/session or exercise. You may stop at any time.

Online & Remote Coaching

As with any fitness and exercise programme, when using online content and video you need to use your common sense. If you are feeling unwell do not exercice. To reduce and avoid injury, you will want to check with your Doctor before beginning any fitness programme. By performing and fitness exercise without supervision (which is the case for Online & Remote Coaching), you are performing them at your own risk. Ed Stivala (or Ed Stivala Limited) will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of an online fitness programme, DVD, digital materials, online fitness video or information shared on our website or mobile application. This includes emails, video and text.

It is your responsibility to ensure that: 

  • there is sufficient space to perform the exercises safely and move freely without obstacles or obstructions, free from furniture, equipment and other hazards – a minimum of four square metres per person 
  • any equipment is safe and in a suitable condition for the activity being performed 
  • the surrounding floor space is entirely clear to remove any hazards that may increase the risk of slips, trips or falls
  • there are no distractions throughout the duration of the session 
  • there is sufficient heating, lighting, ventilation and hydration.


Payment must be received in advance of your training session or commencement of your programme. Payment can be made by BACS or Online Card Payment. Please note that Ed Stivala Limited does not accept cash or cheque payments. For subscription agreements, payment will be taken by card (debt or credit) automatically to the billing period agreed (4 weekly, monthly, annually). For your first payment you will be sent an online invoice for you to manually pay. The card used for this payment is then charged automatically until you notify you wish to cancel.


Twenty-Four hours notice is required for cancellation of an individual one to one or small group sessions. Within twenty-four hours the full payment will be due. 

Where fees are paid on a monthly basis, this agreement can be cancelled by either party on seven days notice and will then terminate at the end of the currently pre-paid period. Strictly by mutual agreement, the notice period can be changed or waived. 

Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and Ed Stivala Limited. It supersedes all other prior agreements, understandings, representations and warranties, both written and oral, between you and Ed Stivala Limited, with respect to any aspect of training, coaching and exercise programmes