Crafting Code, Creating Solutions.

Specialising in business related Apps for iPhone, iPad and Mac since 2011. I work with organisations and agencies to support them in creating profitable Software Products that run on Apple hardware.

Explore how I work with organisations

Business Planning

Before writing code, I help you write a meaningful and robust business plan; ROI and Cashflow as well as product roadmap, market analysis and proposition articulation.


Using innovative simulation models, create a prototype and proof of concept of the eventual product. Validate planning assumptions and visualise the app.

Product Management

Your App is an evolving product and ongoing source of value within your business. It needs a roadmap and a professional approach to its ongoing evolution.


Taking the Proof of Concept to Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and then into a managed release cycle following the Product Roadmap. Development includes maintenance to keep your product current. 


Potential to combine your expert knowledge in a specific market with my skills in iOS App Product Development, to co-create and co-own a blockbuster app. True shared risk / shared return model where appropriate.

Project Rescue

It is always better to work with you from the start, but if you have been let down and now have a ‘broken’ project, or just not making the progress you need, speak to me and I can help get your project back on track.

Why organisations choose to work with me

Me not We. No army of coders, amazing offices or the pretence of being a Corporation. I save you time, worry and complexity by leaning on 37 years experience in technology to do the ‘right job right’.


Me not We! No account managers or chain of command. I am fully accountable for the commitments that I make to you and the quality of the products that I create. In a world full of ambiguity and pretence, I live by my reputation and the value I create.


I will tell you what I can do and equally what I can’t in terms of knowledge, capacity or budget. I have an extensive network of contacts built over many years, so if needed additional skills and capacity can be found but only with you full knowledge.


Much more than another iOS developer. Developing my own products and having held senior leadership roles in global software businesses means I understand and relate to the broader context of your goals.


Creating meaningful successful software products is an art as well as a science. Previous clients have all valued my ability to be imaginative, commercially creative and exciting in the solutions we have dreamt up together. 

Ready to make something amazing happen?

I’d love to work with you!

Frequently asked questions

Can we hire you to build an app for our company?

Short answer: No.
OK, so I build apps that I then sell direct to users via the Apple App Store. That is my principal business model. However once in a while I will collaborate with another business or person to co-create a product with them. This might be because they have a particular insight or understanding of a problem, or it’s just a super cool idea that I’m excited by. But they don’t know how to build it or monetise it.

Why do you not build Android native apps or Progressive Web Apps?

Quite simply because Apple users (in my experience) the easiest audience to monetise via an App Store. At least, given the dynamics of my business model, then that is true. It would not be worth the additional time to create versions of my Apps for release via other distribution methods.

Is that it? You only make iOS and MacOS apps?

Pretty much! I have build some web back ends and two cloud based SaaS products… In those instances I develop in PHP and Laravel. I also use Wordpress a lot for creating websites because its rocks solid and I can customise it easily as it’s PHP. Other than creating software products I do provide consulting services.

Tell me a little more about the consulting you offer?

Over the years I have built quite a few software products, monetised other digital business (using a variety of commercial models) and was Chief Commercial Officer for a global Low Code business for several years. Long story short, I have picked up quite a bit of useful experience, which I now share via consulting interventions. These range from strategy, business planning and business modelling to helping build teams, proof of concepts and MVPs. Pretty much anything to do with taking the start of an idea and working through the stages needed to fully commercialise it and realise it’s full financial value.